Google has announced that it will partner with major movie studios to stream a number of full-length films and TV shows for free on YouTube. The studios involved in the launch of this premium content section will include Sony, CBS, MGM, Lionsgate, Starz, and the BBC. The movies will be ad-supported, and ad revenue will be shared with the content owners. Those who love YouTube's user-generated video offerings should not fret, however, as those will remain on the site separate from the premium offerings.
So far, it looks like that premonition is coming true. The launch of the premium content section of YouTube will come with a site redesign to highlight the changes while keeping YouTube's main focus on user-generated clips. YouTube says that it plans to sprinkle video ads inside of the movie streams like Hulu (and unlike the rest of YouTube, which largely relies on ads being placed around the video on the page). Unfortunately, those outside the US will have to wait for the studios to like you again, as the premium content will be limited to US viewers only.
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